

Sándor Petőfi

Who has a wallet as nice as me? I have an inscription in red, white and green letters: “Pest, 1848, for Sándor”. On the other side, there is some more embroidery depicting the Hungarian national flag (red, white and green) and the inscription: ‘For the poem Arise Magyar, your country calls!’ Who do I belong to? I am currently owned by the Sándor Petőfi Literary Museum, but my original owner was the Hungarian poet Sándor Petőfi. He received the wallet as a gift from his wife, Júlia Szendrey. What a passionate and talented couple they were! Unfortunately, their marriage was tragically short-lived. Sándor Petőfi was only 26 years old when he disappeared at the Battle of Segesvár in 1849. Of course, the news of his death saddened not only me, but the whole country. I like to think that, even if it was short, he had a beautiful life. On the one hand, he was an excellent poet. He not only wrote wonderful poems, but also, for example, the narrative poem János vitéz, which literally takes the readers to Fairyland. He worked as an editor, translator, and even as a traveling actor – albeit not a very successful one. He composed the poem "National Song" and participated in the compilation of the famous 12 points (12 demands), without which the Pest revolution that broke out on March 15, 1848 might not have taken place. He believed in the revolution and freedom. He actively participated in the events, but in the end, it was his loss, because this is how he ended up on the battlefield in Segesvár, where he disappeared. His wife became a widow, his son an orphan, and I became an orphan as well. It all happened a long time ago, but I still miss those days sometimes. However, at times like this, I like to think that his life was short, but hugely meaningful.

Ferenc Deák.cover-image
Ferenc Deák