

Slovak national uprising

I have happened in 1944 and was an anti-fascist uprising of the Slovak people. I was preceded by thorough preparation and cooperation of various illegal groups, which resulted in the creation of a joint political body in December 1943 - the Slovak National Council (SNR). Its members were K. Šmidke, G. Husák, L. Novomeský for the communist party, J. Lettrich, J. Ursíny and M. Josko for the civil block. The Slovak National Council in the so-called Christmas agreement, has set out the tasks and goals to lead fight of the Slovak nation for the elimination of the German Nazi dictation carried out by the domestic usurpers of political power, the people who declared themselves leaders, and established the form of organization of a joint democratic state of Czechs and Slovaks. My preparation was ensured by the military headquarters of the SNR headed by J. Golian. There were 2 variants of the uprising: according to the first, two eastern Slovak divisions were to break through the front after the Soviet troops approached the borders of Slovakia, and thus open the way for the Soviet army, according to the second, more unfavourable, the Slovak army was to defend at least central Slovakia during the occupation of Slovakia by German troops. Worried Germans eventually occupied Slovakia militarily and I had to start according to the second option, since in August 1944 partisan actions were already happening on daily basis.