

Ferenc Deák

The official Hungarian currency is called the forint. Well, I am the biggest denomination note, the twenty thousand forints note. As on all Hungarian paper money, the portrait of an important Hungarian historical figure can be seen on the right-hand side, in this case Ferenc Deák. Speaking of my value, for example, I am worth enough to pay for someone to travel from Budapest to Kehidakustány, where the Ferenc Deák Mansion and Memorial Museum is located with, of course, an exhibition about Ferenc Deák. Trust me, it's worth the trip. The landscape is wonderful, and you can also learn a lot about Ferenc Deák, who was a decisive politician in the 19th century. He was born into a noble family, then studied as a lawyer, putting his legal knowledge and logical thinking to the service of his country. This was not so easy at the time, because there were many different opinions about how to reform Hungary, which was at that time part of the Habsburg Empire. However, the Hungarians wanted independence, which is why the War of Independence broke out in 1848-49, but they were defeated. What is all this to do with Ferenc Deák? Well, he was a part of political life throughout that period, and he tried to shape the negotiations between the Hungarians and the Habsburg Empire in such a way that it ended with the best result from the point of view of the Hungarians. It was not by chance that another great politician of the era, Lajos Kossuth, named him "the wise man of our homeland". The culmination of his work was undoubtedly the "Compromise" of 1867, which settled relations between the Kingdom of Hungary and the Austrian Empire. Although the Compromise received plenty of criticism in its time, it was how the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy was born, and that paved the way for Hungary's economic development.