


At the western end of the long ridge of the Kriván mountain range, the Kriváň peak rises high. You can see me from Liptovský Mikuláš and for a long time i was considered the highest peak of the Tatras. I reach a height of 2494 m above sea level and the view from my peak is considered one of the most beautiful in our country. Since the 19th century, I have been an unofficial symbol of Slovak freedom. In 1841, Ľudovít Štúr climbed the mountain, and since 2005 I have also been depicted on Slovak euro coins. First to climb the mountain were unknown hikers. The 1772 climb of the Spiš-novaves evangelical preacher and naturalist A. Czirbesz with his friends should be considered only the first documented hike. If you, too, would like to climb my peak, you can do so along the popular hiking trails. One of them starts at Štrbský pleso. It continues along the red route, which later joins the blue route. The ascent time is 4 hours and the altitude is 1290m.