


The banks of the Danube were lined with autumn leaves as I watched the last riders move away. Well, that was quite something! Three kingdoms, which had been competing with each other for decades, had formed an alliance. Who would have thought that the day would come when the kings of the Czechia, Poland and Hungary would have sat at the same table between walls built by the great King Béla IV. But we saw that happen, too. I, Charles Robert of the House of Anjou, king of Hungary, brought peace to the lives of the Hungarians, Poles and Czechs at Visegrád, in the year of our Lord 1335. The Czech King, John of Luxembourg, has finally renounced his claim to the Polish throne. So, my brother-in-law, Casimir the Great, King of the Poles, can finally rest, and I didn't fare too badly either. We will provide military assistance to each other, Buda has been given the right to stop goods, and if any of us should die without a son, we will inherit each other’s empire. What could be a greater guarantee of peace? After all, who wants to destroy their potential future legacy? There is no doubt that this was not a cheap affair, at Casimir the Great's lunch alone 1,500 loaves of bread were served, but there is no future without investment.
