
Czech Republic

The Legacy of Pilsner: A Brew master’s Tale

In the historic city of Pilsen, situated in the western part of the Czech Republic, I've been entrusted with a legacy. As a brew master, I am but a small part of a tradition dating back to 1842. Every day, I embark on the age-old journey of crafting Pilsner beer, a brew that changed the world of beer forever. Our famed Pilsner Urquell, the world’s first pale lager, was born here. With its inception, it didn't merely offer a new beer but set the gold standard for lagers everywhere. Its crisp, golden clarity was a stark contrast to the darker, murkier beers of that time. The secret? Our ingredients and methods. The soft, pure water from Pilsen’s underground aquifers and our famed Saaz hops, a local treasure known for its gentle bitterness and aromatic quality. The malt? Only the finest barley, malted to perfection. Yet, it's not just about ingredients. In 1842, our innovative method of bottom-fermentation at cooler temperatures, combined with longer aging in our historic cellars, brought forth a beer that was not only clear but also refreshing, with a distinct taste. History was made again in our brewery in 1898. The term “pilsner” was officially trademarked, acknowledging our beer’s international reputation and significance. Over the years, many have tried to replicate our Pilsner, but the originality of Pilsen's brew remains unparalleled. Visitors from distant lands come to Pilsen, drawn not just by the beer but by its rich history. With each sip, they savour a blend of craftsmanship, tradition, and innovation. So, when you hold a chilled glass of our Pilsner, reflecting upon its amber hue, know that you are part of a story that spans centuries Cheers to Pilsen and its golden legacy!