

The Danube bend

I have no idea how many times I have reached and navigated the Danube Bend, but this section still fills me with excitement. I don’t know why. Maybe it’s the twists and turns that the riverbed takes me through. Perhaps it is the sights to be seen, or both together. Whatever the reason, I just love it. At the very beginning, there is Esztergom with its Basilica, and the Mária Valéria bridge between Esztergom, Hungary and Štúrovo, Slovakia. Passing under this five-span "hole" bridge is such fun. Then comes Dömös, where the throne of King Béla I of Hungary collapsed on him. What a story! Moving on, the Visegrád Hills have the Dobogó stone as their tallest peak at 700 meters, and of course Visegrád itself. I remember it in its heyday, when kings lived there and gazed at me, the River Danube. What times those were! I go a little further, and soon I reach the top of Szentendre Island and split into two parts, which results in a truly wonderful panorama from both sides and from the island. When it comes to the historical past, I cannot leave out Vác, on the other side, which has been the seat of a Roman Catholic bishopric since the 11th century. Oh, and then comes the town of Szentendre with its pretty old houses. I especially love it in the summer when it is full of tourists and children. But there's no stopping, I keep going to reach Budapest. And there is so much more to see there! There isn’t enough space to list everything here, but believe me, it’s a really special place.