


In the 19th century, we were the mainstream of the Slovak national movement. We were named after our most important member, Ľudovít Štúr. Through gradual changes, we wanted to improve social and cultural conditions, strengthen the dignity and increase the self-confidence of the underprivileged classes, and lay the foundations of a civil society. At the same time, we strengthened national belonging and pride. We were also preparing to enter politics. We demanded to recognize Slovaks as a nation and to use Slovak in the offices, in education and in the church. Later, we moved to the department of Czech-Slovak language and literature, where Štúr also worked at that time. However, he was dismissed because of his ideas. In protest, most of the students left with him to Levoča. In 1843, we managed to legislate Štúrov Slovak on the basis of the Central Slovak dialect.