

Bear statue in Jordan Park in Krakow

The bronze effigy of Wojtek the bear, 2.3 meters high, is located in a fork in the alleys of Krakow's Henryk Jordan Park. With its right paw the animal points the way to the monument to its commander, who was General Wladyslaw Anders. The sculpture was designed by Wojciech Batko, an artist-sculptor and graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow. The story of the bear still arouses the interest of many readers who cannot believe that it really happened. Wojtek the bear was a soldier! While still on his trek from the USSR to Egypt, an unusual incident occurred involving soldiers of the 22nd Artillery Supply Company. Soldiers of General Anders' army met a young Iranian man on the road, accompanied by a small brown bear barely a year old. The animal required tender care, and without the help of the Poles it was likely to face death, or at best captivity and malnutrition. In return, the boy received canned goods, a bar of chocolate and a handful of change, which at the time was still a high amount of money. The Poles also threw in a military knife. The soldiers tenderly took care of the bear, took care of its upbringing, so that the animal was not aggressive and loved the company of people. Bear was even entered in the company's status with the rank of private. He was later officially promoted to the rank of corporal. When World War II ended, General Anders' unit and his charge were transferred to the United Kingdom.