

Połonina Wetlińska

Polonina is a wasteland unsuitable for farming. Połonina Wetlinska has five culminations - the highest, the Roh at 1255 meters above sea level, Osadzki Wierch two meters lower, then Hasiakowa Skała 1228 meters above sea level, Hnatowe Berdo 1187 meters ASL and Szare Berdo 1108 meters ASL. At the top of the Polonina is the famous "Pooh's Hut" (Chatka Puchatka), which is the highest shelter in the Bieszczady Mountains. The history of the place dates back to the 1950s. At the time, the wooden hut was built by the army and served as an observation point. Then, the building was taken over by the Polish Tourist Society and, with the help of scouts, realized the functions of a mountain shelter. Spartan conditions prevailed there, as the hut had no access to water or electricity, but often the sounds of a guitar were played in the common room, lit by candles. The name of the shelter "Pooh's Hut" comes from the statement of the famous Polish sailor Leonid Teliga, who said "I feel on my boat lost in the immensity of the ocean, like this lonely Pooh's Hut on Połonina Wetlinska." Today, in the renovated Pooh's Hut you can buy coffee, tea, chocolate or a small souvenir, as well as stay overnight, but without the possibility of booking a place in advance. It's an offer only for those who have planned a longer hike and won't be able to get off the trail before nightfall, as well as for those who have no way to get to the valleys due to adverse weather conditions.

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River Danube