

Matúš Čák Trenčiansky

I come from the Čák family and from history I am known by the nickname Trenčiansky. I was born as the son of Peter, who acquired family property in Slovakia, Komárno and Senica. After my uncle's death, my possessions were further increased by the Bratislava capital, Jasovce, Nemčice and the tribute in Topoľčany. In the same period, I also inherited property from my brother Master Čák, the Oponice castle and smaller properties in Hont, Komárno and Ostrihom capitals. 3 years later I bought half of the Červený Kameň estate. In 1293, my uncle's wife also died and I also inherited the castle and estate of Uhrovec. I entered politics for the first time significantly in the service of the Hungarian King Andrew III. I took part in the conquest of some border castles taken by the Austrian duke. From him I managed to recapture the city of Bratislava and Plavecký Castle. A year later, Andrew III. rewarded me with the title of royal highest hunter. At the height of my power, I was among the most powerful Hungarian oligarchs. I controlled partially or completely 14 cities and about 50 castles. I ruled with a firm hand and mercilessly punished unreliable people as a warning. Only death stopped my power definitively. I died in Trenčín castle without descendants. The interesting thing is that no one knows when I was born or died, where I am buried or what I looked like. My castles were immediately captured after death and returned to the king.