

Wisława Szymborska

Most of us associate Wisława Szymborska with her excellent poetry and her 1996 Nobel Prize in Literature, but not everyone knows that the poet had a weakness for original objects and handmade collages, which she herself called, rather modestly, stickers. Szymborska's relatives and friends often received them on the occasion of holidays or other special events as well as without occasion. She treated the collages as a kind of private letter. When she received letters from her readers, she sometimes sent them her handmade cut-outs instead of a reply. Her cut-outs were economical in art form, commenting on ordinary, everyday matters. However, there is no lack of cheerful works or humorous cards, briefly and ironically showing the absurdities of the life going on at the time, leading at least to some reflection and thought. The first card-collages began to be created in the late 1960s and early 1970s. The postcards available in stores at the time lacked aesthetics, or sometimes they were simply not available. The collages were created from fragments cut from newspapers, which the poet sorted in signed folders to compose occasional cards and postcards from them. Friends who were privy to the poet's hobby brought her vintage magazines, old postcards and also brought her colourful magazines from foreign countries.

Ferenc Deák.cover-image
Ferenc Deák