

Matica slovenská

I'm not just some building like everyone thinks. I am a nationwide Slovak cultural institution in the city of Martin and I was founded on August 4, 1863. A few years later, the Hungarian government did not like me, so I was banned from 1875 until 1919. My goal is to deepen the positive relationship of its members to their homeland, the homeland of their ancestors, and thus strengthen national pride and patriotism. I also keep various Slovak documents that I keep for future generations. I want to awaken in people the desire to learn about national history, culture, the relationship to national traditions and help in their development. I do this primarily by creating conditions for all-round education. Every year I organize an international children's camp and every 3 years Matičný world festival of Slovak youth, where young people from all over the world meet. You can experience various sports events, theater, folklore and music performances there, but also visit the cultural monuments of Slovakia. I also have a sister, she is a traveler. First, in 1893, she went to Chicago. Then she was in the city of Luján, near Buenos Aires, Argentina. She later moved to Canada. There she settled in the city of Hamilton and with the help of a painter they created a design for a flag as an identification symbol for all Slovak emigrants.
