

Martin Rázus

I was born into a family of a farmer and a worker. The misery and poverty that surrounded me awakened in me a strong national feeling and involvement in election rallies. During the First World War I worked as a poet, columnist and politician. I was worried about the catastrophic national and social status of the Slovak people, so I looked for a way out in literary work, journalism. I stood openly against the national policy of Austria-Hungary, the Czechoslovak policy of the Czech, but especially the Slovak bourgeoisie. I stuck to the ideology of the pre-revolutionary national movement. In 1935, I joined the political alliance with Hlinkas Slovak People's Party. I published in traditional literary and social magazines - Dennica, Prúdy, Živena, Stráž na Sione, Národnie Noviny, and from 1917 until the end of the First World War also in Robotnícky noviny. My poetry is directed towards the world and man, towards his desires, pains and sufferings, and I also expressed my own feelings in it. I exposed careerism, lack of character, social and national injustice, and at the same time I feared for the fate of the new state and democracy. I sought escape in the world of art, beauty, abstraction and inner self-reflection. In addition to artistic poetry and prose, I wrote many political articles, polemics and reflections for Slovak and Czech newspapers.