

Mound of Milan Rastislav Štefánik

Above the town of Brezová pod Bradlom, in western Slovakia, rises the hill Bradlo. I stand proudly on the hill, M. R. Štefánik Mound. He was a Slovak astronomer, scientist and inventor, photographer, military aviator, general of the armed forces of France, diplomat, statesman and politician. He had the greatest merit in shaping the Czechoslovak foreign resistance during the First World War and was a key person in the founding of Czechoslovakia. He was very much looking forward to home, where he had not been for several years. On May 11, 1919, a great son of the Slovak nation, General M. R. Štefánik, was buried in me. My current form, a massive mound made of white Spiš travertine, was built only in 1928. It consists of two terraces, above which the own tomb building rises. Both terraces have sloping walls built of thick blocks. From the other side of the terrace rises its own stone mound. At each corner of the mound stand 12 m high, massive stone obelisks.
