

Anton Bernolák

I was born in Slanice at Orava, I studied theology in Trnava, Vienna and Bratislava. I worked as a chaplain in today's Bernolákov, as the secretary of the archbishop of the vicar's office in Trnava, later until my death as dean and administrator of the main municipal school in Nové Zámky, where I am also buried. My work and efforts did not find support either with the people or the bourgeoisie. The living speech basis for the enactment of literary Slovak was the so-called cultural West Slovak. I did not take into account the printed form, but mainly emphasized oral language practice, that is, the colloquial use of the educated. I am a pioneer of the Slovak language mainly because I consistently insisted on differentiating the Slovak literary idiom from the Czech literary idiom, which was used on Slovak territory exclusively in book or written form, not in colloquial form. Efforts to introduce "pure Slovak" into the cultural functions of the language at the end of the 18th century fully corresponded to the advanced stage in the development of awareness of Slovak national "tribalism". It was a legitimate part of the formation of a new national ideology, which understands the nation, among other things, as a unified linguistic community.