

Vartovka tower

My task was to signal the arrival of the Turkish soldiers so that the defenders of the castles and the townspeople could prepare in time. You can still find me around mining towns like Krupina. There used to be more of us. On Mount Čabraď, in Krupina, on Sitno, near Banská Štiavnica, on the Pustý hrad in Zvolen. They built me on the highest hills so that all the inhabitants could see me. When the Turkish army approached, my defenders lit a warning fire that alerted the other cities as well. In addition to fire, shooting was also used as a signal. One shot warned of vigilance. Two shots meant that the enemy was already on the way and three shots that the Turks were already in the country. The fact that we really fulfilled our task is also proven by the fact that the Turks did not conquer a single Central Slovak mining town.