

Túró rudi, the dairy stick

What would you say if I told you that there was one nation in the world where the top favourite sweet treat was made of cottage cheese dipped in chocolate? Are you laughing? Do you think I am pulling your leg? I can assure you I am not. It's me! I am the cottage cheese bar that everyone in Hungary knows and loves. Actually, I'm so popular that even people who have never eaten a single “curd cane” or “dairy stick” know who I am – although, to be honest, it’s hard to imagine there are many of them left. What is my secret? The simple fact is that even I have no idea. Perhaps it's the pleasantly elongated shape, or the perfect balance of sweet to sharpness in the dairy filling and the chocolatey cocoa coating. Who knows? What is certain is that since 1968, when they started making me, my popularity has been unwaning, and I have even been enriched with exciting with new flavours.

Goulash soup.cover-image
Goulash soup