
Czech Republic

The Diary of Judith: Unearthing Prague’s Mystical Golem

Judith, a 17-year-old history enthusiast from Budapest, had always been captivated by Central European myths and legends. One summer, she embarked on an interrail journey with her friends Zofia from Poland and Jiri from Czechia. Their first major stop: Prague. They were all keen on experiencing the mystique of this old city, but it was the legend of the Golem of Prague that enthralled Judith the most. Having read many stories about it, she decided to document their adventure in her diary. July 16th "Today, Jiri took us to the Old-New Synagogue in the Jewish Quarter. As we stood in front of it, he narrated the legend of the Golem. Rabbi Loew, concerned about the safety of the Jews in 16th century Prague, created the Golem from the clay banks of the Vltava River. By using kabbalistic rituals and inserting a parchment into its mouth, he brought the Golem to life." July 17th "Zofia, with her keen eye, spotted an odd figure engraved in a corner stone of the synagogue – it looked uncannily like the Golem. Legend says Rabbi Loew deactivated the Golem when it went on a rampage. It's believed to be resting in the attic of this very synagogue." July 18th "Today, we dared each other to search for the attic entrance. Though we didn't find it, we stumbled upon an old shop nearby, filled with maps and scrolls. The shopkeeper, seeing our interest, whispered that on certain nights, the ground trembles as if the Golem stirs." July 19th "It was Jiri's idea. Tonight, we ventured out and hid near the synagogue. Hours felt like minutes, and just past midnight, we felt it – a subtle vibration beneath our feet. We looked at each other, eyes wide with a mix of fear and thrill." July 20th "Our last day in Prague. As we were leaving the Jewish Quarter, an old man handed me a small clay figurine. It was a miniature Golem. 'For protection,' he whispered. As our train chugged out of Prague, I felt as if we had touched a piece of the past, a legend that still breathes and beats in the heart of this magical city."