

Professor Jerzy Regulski

Jerzy Regulski - Polish economist and academician, professor of economic sciences. From 2010 to 2015 social advisor to the President of the Republic of Poland on local self-government, expert on local self-government, senator of the first term, Order of the White Eagle owner, was born in 1924 in Zaryb near Warsaw in a family with landed gentry and nobility roots. Professor Regulski believed that grassroots of local self-government could be an important political force and a counterpoint to national and central power in good governance and management of the state and development. He became an advocate of self-governance of local communities. In the 1980s, he supported the Independent Self-Governing Trade Union "Solidarity," and thanks to him, the reconstruction of local self-government became one of the demands of "Solidarity," which opposed the ruling Communist Party and demanded democratic reforms. Thanks to his efforts and work, on March 8, 1990, the Local Government Act was passed and on May 27, 1990, the first free local government elections are held. To this day, Professor Jerzy Regulski is considered the father of Polish self-government. The Jerzy Regulski Foundation for the Support of Local Democracy, which was established on September 18, 1989, was named after him to support and develop Polish local governments in carrying out their tasks for citizens and local communities.