


The most beautiful holidays of the year, when we spend time with family, is Christmas. We find gifts under the Christmas tree and traditional dishes decorate the festive tables. Opekance is one of these dishes. Most traditional Christmas dishes have their origins in the winter solstice, when the end of agricultural work is celebrated. Therefore, typical Christmas dishes were prepared from plant products - cereals, legumes, fruit, cabbage, often poppy seeds and garlic. That's exactly the kind of food I am. In central Slovakia they call me pupáky, in eastern Slovakia they call me bobáľky. My preparation is simple. Walnut-sized pieces were cut from the prepared bread dough and baked in the oven. On Christmas Eve, they scalded us with boiling water to soften us. After draining, we were softened with butter, sprinkled with poppy seeds and drizzled with honey. In rich families, we were prepared with bryndza or cottage cheese. Every member of the family had to eat us, because many magical acts are associated with us. In some areas of central Slovakia, people believed that the fertility of fruit trees would increase if they were sprinkled with the first cut piece of bread dough.
