
Czech Republic


I still remember the day when the acceptance letter from Palacký University Olomouc landed in my hands. The mixed feelings of excitement and anticipation were palpable. I had heard so much about Olomouc, not just as a historic jewel, but as a vibrant student hub, and now I was about to embark on this journey. Olomouc, once the capital of Moravia, is steeped in history. The city is adorned with beautiful Baroque fountains, each telling its own tale from epochs gone by. Then there's the stunning Holy Trinity Column, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, standing tall as a testament to the city’s rich religious history. As I strolled through the city for the first time, I could sense the stories etched into the cobblestones and whispered through the ancient alleyways. But Olomouc isn't just about the past. The city pulsates with youthful energy, thanks largely to its thriving student community. The university's energy perfectly mixes with the city's history, making it a cool blend of the past and present. Cafes, pubs, and clubs teem with students from diverse backgrounds, discussing everything from medieval history to modern-day politics, all while soaking in the city's enchanting ambiance. I eagerly awaited the start of my lectures, not just for the academic knowledge but for the chance to be part of the legacy of scholars that Olomouc has nurtured over the years. From attending lectures in age-old halls to participating in vibrant student festivals and cultural events, I looked forward to immersing myself in everything the city had to offer.

Cloth Hall.cover-image
Cloth Hall