Nowa Huta
Nowa Huta is a city that was designed from scratch and built for the workers of the then Lenin Steelworks metallurgical complex to be built near Krakow. One of the reasons why the huge steel plant was located near Krakow was to punish the population of that city for their dislike of the Communist Party. Attracting a large number of workers to this city disliked by the communist authorities was supposed to change its population - its political attitudes, level of education, professional, scientific or social aspirations. The working class was to become a counterweight to Krakow's intelligentsia. The steelworks was the largest industrial plant in Cracow and one of the largest in Poland. It is still an active manufacturing plant today. Nowa Huta was supposed to be an ideal socialist city. The communist authorities' intentions for Nowa Huta to be a hotbed of proletariat, religion less, higher aspirations failed. Residents of this newest district of Krakow, called a fortress of the proletariat, soon began to rebel against the authorities. During martial law, numerous demonstrations took place in Nowa Huta. Today, Nowa Huta, which is listed in the register of historical monuments, is eagerly visited by tourists from all over the world, familiarizing themselves with the urban establishment, one of the best examples of Socialist Realist architecture in Poland.