


In the past one of the richest cities in Hungary, today I am a center of tourism and recreation not only in the center of Slovakia but also in the center of Europe. I am located in the western part of central Pohronie, not far from the geographical center of Europe, which is the church in Kremnické Bane. In 1328, the Hungarian king Karol Róbert granted me the privileges of a free royal and mining town. An extremely important privilege was the right to mint coins. The Kremnica mint was founded by coiners invited by the king from the Czech Republic. Already a year after it was created, the first Hungarian groschens were minted. The monuments in the historic center are part of the city monument reserve. The main landmark is the city castle with the church of St. Catherine. The castle also includes the Clock Tower, the remains of the former town hall, three bastions and the northern tower gate. In the corner of the square stands the building of the oldest mint in the world. You can learn more about it in the Museum of Coins and Medals, where you can try minting coins.