

King St. Stephen

Have you ever heard of King St. Stephen? He did a lot of things, and to start with a very serious example, he founded the Hungarian state in 1000 A.D., and was crowned as the first king of Hungary. King Stephen took his task seriously. The laws he passed laid the foundation of the Hungarian legal system. He organized the public administration by establishing the county system. He ordered that every ten villages should build a church, which not only contributed to the establishment of the church system, but also strengthened the Christian faith of Hungarians who had recently converted from paganism. The Hungarians also hold the founding of the state in high esteem and celebrate it annually with an enormous fireworks display on August 20. Why exactly on August 20? Because King Stephen was canonized on this day in 1083. Legend has it that when his coffin was opened, miraculous healings took place and the coffin was filled with pink water. So, I think it is understandable that the largest Basilica in Budapest also bears his name. Unfortunately, I can't see it, because I have my back to Pest, but in return I can admire the Matthias Church every day. Oh, I have just realized that I forgot to introduce myself. I am an equestrian statue of King Saint Stephen. I came to the Buda Castle in 1906, to stand between Matthias Church and the Fisherman's Bastion. I am not the only statue here, there is also, for example, a statue of King Stephen’s ancestor, Álmos – but in my opinion, I am the most impressive.